"“The best thing about a picture is that it never changes, even when the people in it do.” – Andy Warhol"

Gabriel S.
this time with your kids is so important

Hi, Im Andrea!

Welcome! I am from good ole Northeast Ohio, specifically in Cuyahoga Falls. Go Black Tigers! I absolutely love taking photos - any kind to be honest. If I had to choose a favorite, I would say childrens photos, family sessions & birthday milestones. Gosh, who am I kidding... I love ALL kinds of photos.

I am girl mom & married to my favorite guy in the entire world. He's a tad out numbered. ;) I am so outgoing with a bubbly, positive personality. I cannot wait to meet you & take some amazing photos.

"Photography is the beauty of life captured." - Tara Chisolm

Fun Facts about The photographer

These are a few of my FAVORITE things...

Favorite Color: Yellow

Favorite Food: Chicken Wings

Favorite Animal: Giraffe

Favorite Hobby: (beside photography) - LOVE family time, sunshine & shopping.

Favorite Type of Music: Country

Favorite place ever Traveled: Ocho Rios, Jamaica

Favorite Season: Summer but fall is a close second

Favorite Holiday: Fa la la la la, Merry Christmas

Favorite Book Theme: Romance

Favorite Vacation Spot: THE BEACH!

My why???

If anyone knows me, knows that I love taking photos. I have almost 91,000 photos on my phone. I love being able to look back at the photos on my phone and cherish them. I wanted to turn that into something a little more & now I am doing photography on a regular for others and I absolutely love capturing the smiles and the story behind the photo.

my sidekicks

If you have had a photo session with me, then you know that I typically have two little sidekicks that travel with me. My two daughters, Aubree & Rilee. I think they love meeting new people and little ones as much as I do. They are big helpers when it comes to helping me change lens, get different props & love shopping with me getting new set ups.